- Language skills: Listening, Speaking, reading, writing, communicating, gestures etc.
- Cognitive: Problem solving, reasoning, remembering, understanding, predicting outcomes
- Gross motor: Physical strength, training to sit, stand, walk, run, keep balance, changing positions etc
- Fine motor: Creativity, Aesthetic value, Use of hands to write, draw, eat, play, dress etc.
- Socio-Emotional :Relationship with family, friends, interaction, cooperation, respond to feelings etc.
- Personal Awareness: Life skills, self help, hygiene, safety, independence etc
- Exploration and Observation: Experimentation, observation of world around us, predictions etc.
Report Card with Grade will be given after Final Assessment in Nursery and LKG.
70 marks for Written and 30 for Orals. Total 100 Marks in Each Term
I to VIII: Two Terms: Two Exams and Two Unit Tests, Each Term - Subject Related Activities, Notebook work, files, |
Class work, HW, Practical, Presentations, projects etc. | 10 Marks |
Each Term; Unit test, (written) | 10 Marks |
Theory: Mid Term and Yearly exam | 80 Marks |
Each Term- 80+20 | Total 100 Marks |
Term- I and Term II: Grand Total Marks- 200. Average of 35% required for Promotion.
Pass Criteria and Evaluation pattern will be as per the CISCE norms and Report card will be given after the Final Examinations.
English Language, Literature, Hindi, Mathematics, History, Civics, Sanskrit, Environmental Studies, Art, craft, Drawing and painting, Socially Useful Productive Works, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economic Applications, Computer Applications, Computer Science, Commerce, Accounts, Economics, Physical Education, Moral Science, Value Education, Yoga,