Words of wisdom


Jesus And Mary Convent School, Greater Noida

  • Let Me Be a Shadow

    Let me be a shadow in your light.
    Just a small reflection of thy greater love,
    Let me be a shadow in your light
    That falls on the lost and the lonely
    All that I have I lay at thy feet,
    No sacrifice to greater cause,
    So down on my knees, Lord I ask you please

  • As the Deer Panteth

    As the deer panteth for the waters,
    So my soul longeth after you,
    You alone are my heart's desire,
    And I long to worship you.

    Ch:- You alone are my strength, my shield
    To you alone may my spirit yield,
    You alone are my heart's desire
    And I long to worship you.

    I love you more than gold and,
    Only you can satisfy,
    You alone are the real joy giver,
    And the apple of my eye.

    You're my friend and you are my brother,
    Even though you are a king,
    I love you more than any other,
    So much more than anything.

  • God is good

    Ch:- God is good, all the time
    He puts his song of praise in this heart of mine.
    God is good, all the time
    Through the darkest night His light will shine
    God is good-2 all the time.

    If you walk in through the valley when there are shadows all around.
    Do not fear He will guide you, He will keep you safe and sound.
    He has promised to never leave nor forsake you.
    and His word is true.

  • May we be a shining Light

    May we be a shining light to the nations
    A shining light to the people of the earth
    Till the whole world sees
    the glory of Your name
    May your pure light shine through us.

    May we bring a word of hope to the nations
    A word of life to the peoples of the earth
    Till the whole world knows
    There's salvation through Your name
    May your mercy flow through us.

    May we be a healing balm to the nations
    A healing balm to the peoples of the earth
    Till the whole world knows
    the power of Your name
    May Your healing flow through us.

    May we sing a song of joy to the nations
    A song of praise to the people of the earth
    Till the whole world rings with the praises of your name
    May your song be sung through us.

    May your kingdom come to the nations
    Your will be done in the people of the earth
    Till the whole world knows that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    May your kingdom come in us.
    May your kingdom come Amen

  • Walking With The Lord

    May we be a shining light to the nations
    A shining light to the people of the earth
    Till the whole world sees
    the glory of Your name
    May your pure light shine through us.

    May we bring a word of hope to the nations
    A word of life to the peoples of the earth
    Till the whole world knows
    There's salvation through Your name
    May your mercy flow through us.

    May we be a healing balm to the nations
    A healing balm to the peoples of the earth
    Till the whole world knows
    the power of Your name
    May Your healing flow through us.

    May we sing a song of joy to the nations
    A song of praise to the people of the earth
    Till the whole world rings with the praises of your name
    May your song be sung through us.

    May your kingdom come to the nations
    Your will be done in the people of the earth
    Till the whole world knows that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    May your kingdom come in us.
    May your kingdom come Amen

  • I love The Sun That Shines On Me

    I love the sun that shines on me
    God made the sun and God made me
    I love the stars that twinkles on me
    God made the stars and God made me(2)

    I love the rain that splashes on me
    God made the rain and God made me
    I love the wind that blows around me
    God made the wind and God made me
    I love the flowers that smile on me
    God made the Flowers and God made me
    I love my friends that play with me
    God made my friends and God made me.

  • O Give Thanks to the Lord

    O give thanks to the Lord
    For he is good (3)
    Yes, eternal is his love

    I will sing to my God never ceasing,
    All my life I will tell of his wonders
    He's the maker of all earth and heaven
    Of the ocean, the seas and all they hold.

    The Almighty is faithful forever,
    He is just to the poor and the outraged;
    It is he who gives bread to the hungry,
    Who delivers the captives from their chains.

    God's Love is so wonderful
    Chorus : God's love is so wonderful (3)
    O wonderful love !
    So high, you can't get over it,
    So deep, you can't get under it,
    So wide, you can’t get around it,
    O wonderful love.

  • We shall overcome

    We shall overcome. (3) Some day.
    Refrain — O deep in my heart, I do believe
    We shall overcome some day.
    We'll work hand in hand (3) today, (Refrain)
    We shall work and pray (3) today. (Refrain)
    The world is full of joy (3) today. (Refrain)

  • Liberation

    The world stands in need of liberation. My Lord,
    It still has to feel your power
    The blind and the deaf, the dumb and the maimed
    All need to feel your healing touch
    The world stands in need of liberation, My Lord,.
    It still has to learn to love.
    There are those who have eyes by refuse to see
    The inhumanity to men,
    There are those who have ears, but refuse to hear
    The cries of men in agony.
    There are those who have mouths,
    But refuse to speak
    Against injustice done to men
    There are those who have hands,
    But refuse to reach,
    Them out in love and brotherhood.

  • Keep me in the Hollow

    Keep me in the hollow of Thy hand,
    lead me through this wild and stormy land.
    Thou doth guide my feet, tho' the pathway may be steep.
    Keep me in the hollow of the hand.

    Ch : Keep me, Keep me day by day
    Guide me, guide me all the way
    Never, never let me stray
    Keep me in the hollow of Thy hand.

    Keep me in the center of Thy will,
    All Thy plans for me may I fulfill,
    As I go my way help me, Lord from day to day
    Keep me in the center of Thy will.

    Keep me in the circle of Thy love.
    Looking down to comfort from above
    Help me see Thy face as I pray for daily grace
    Keep me in the circle of Thy love.

  • All things bright

    All things bright and beautiful
    All creatures great and small.
    All things wise and wonderful,
    The good God made them all.

    Each little flower that opens,
    Each little bird that sings,
    He made their glowing colours,
    He made their tiny wings.

    The purple-headed mountains,
    The river running by.
    The sunset and the morning
    That brightens up the sky.

  • Showers of blessing

    There shall be showers of blessing
    This is the promise of love
    There shall be seasons refreshing
    Sent from the Saviour above

    Ch : Showers of blessing
    Showers of blessing we need
    Mercy drops round us are falling
    But for the showers we plead.

    There shall be showers of blessing
    sent them upon us, O Lord,
    Grand to us now a refreshing,
    Come and now honour Thy word. (Showers ……..)

  • In His Time

    In His time, in His time,
    He makes all things beautiful in His time,
    Lord, please show me every day
    As you're teaching me your way,
    That you do just what you say in your time.
    In your time, in your time,
    You make all things beautiful in your time,
    Lord, may life to you I bring,
    With its winter and its spring.
    May I fathom everything in your time.

    There's a time, there's time
    Both for sowing and for reaping there's a time
    Time for losing, time for gain,
    Time for joy and time for pain,
    Every purpose under heaven has a time.

    There are times, there are days,
    Weeks and months we cannot understand
    God's ways
    If for years we fail to scan,
    What is his eternal plan,
    We'll remember that He can all the time.

  • Love is something you

    Love is something you give it away (3)
    And it comes right back to you
    It's just like a magic penny
    Hold it tight and you won't get any
    Lend it spend it give it away
    And it comes right back to you (Joy, peace, smile)

  • Thank You Father

    If I were a butterfly,
    I'd thank you Lord for making my wings,
    If I were a robin in a tree
    I'd thank you lord that I could sing
    And if I were a fish in the sea,
    I'd wriggle my tail and giggle with glee,
    But I just thank you father for making me, me

    Ch : For you gave me a heart and you gave me a smile
    You gave me love and you made me your child
    And I just thank you Father for making me, me
    If I were an elephant
    I'd thank you Lord by raising my trunk, If I were a kangaroo, I'd try to hop right u
    p to you
    I'd thank you Lord for my good looks.
    But I just thank you Father for making me, me
    If I were a wriggly worm,
    I'd thank you Lord that I should squirm,
    If I were a crocodile.
    I'd thank you Lord for my big smile,
    And if were a Fuzzy-Woozy bear,
    I'd thank you Lord for my Fuzzy-Woozy hair.
    But I just thank you Father for making me, me.

  • We are the Flowers

    We are the flowers of God's garden
    Bright as a morning fresh as a dawn-2
    Glory in difference reverence and loveliness
    We are the flowers of humanity.

    I am a black rose, something salted
    I am in the beauty fragrance of night
    God has entrusted me with joy and mystery
    We are the flowers of humanity

    I am a red rose sweet and lovely
    Gay as a bird on the bright summer day
    Winging the song of God wherever I wonder
    We are the flowers of humanity.

    Sparkles are golden
    Bright as the sun shine
    Guiding the ocean
    And morning sky
    Soft as the summer-midis
    Sweet as the valley
    We are the flowers of humanity
    I am a white rose
    gleaming and shining
    sampling lights
    snow on the mountains sides
    Restless as I can
    Come back on the ocean breeze
    We are the flowers of humanity.

  • I just keep trusting my Lord

    I just keep trusting my Lord, as I walk along,
    I just keep trusting my Lord, and he gives me a songs,
    Ch : Though the storm clouds darken the sky
    O'er the heavenly trail,
    I just keep trusting my Lord, he will never fail.
    He's a faithful friend. (2)
    Such a faithful friend. (2)
    I can count on him. (2)
    To the very end. (2)

  • God still loves the world

    Every tiny star that twinkles in the night sky
    Every drop of morning dew,
    Every spark of fire blazing in the furnace
    Every captivating view.
    Every rainbow in the sky.
    Every pretty butterfly,
    Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope.

    And the message is :
    God still loves the world
    So, throw your life into his hands
    Day by day dicern his plans
    God is passionately busy loving you and me.

    Every man and woman pledged in love forever
    Every little new-born child
    Every voice in favour of a needy neighbour
    Every radiating smile
    Every hand that offers love
    Every surging flow of blood
    Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope
    And the message is ……………..

  • This little guiding light of mine

    This little guiding light of mine
    I'm going to let it shine (3)
    Let it shine all the time, let it shine.

    Hide it under a bush, Oh no,
    I'm going to let it shine (3)
    Let it shine all the time, let it shine,

    Take this little light round the world,
    I'm going to let it shine (3)
    Let it shine all the time, let it shine

  • Make me a channel of your peace

    Make me a channel of your peace,
    Where there is hatred let me bring your love,
    Where there is injury, your pardon Lord,
    And where there's doubt, true faith in you.

    Ch : Oh master grant that I may never seek,
    So much to be consoled as to console,
    To be understood as to understand,
    To be loved as to love with my soul.

    Make me a channel of your peace
    Where there's despair in life let me bring hope,
    Where there's darkness, only light,
    And where there's sadness, ever joy.

    Make me a channel of your peace,
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
    In giving to all men that we receive,
    And in dying that we're born to eternal life.

  • Do you want my hands Lord

    Do you want my hands Lord,
    Do you want my hands Lord,
    Do you want my hands Lord,
    All through the day

    To help the needy and the sick and the poor,
    To work from morn till the day is over.
    I give you my hands (3) today.

    Do you want my feet Lord (3)
    All through the day
    To go each day to those who need a friend
    To walk with the lonely till their journey ends.
    I give you my feet (3) today.

    Do you want my voice Lord, (3)
    All through the day.

    To speak to all who need your words of love.
    To tell of your Father and our home above
    I give you my voice (3) today.

  • Give me oil in my lamp

    Give me oil in my lamp
    Keep me burning
    Give me oil in my lamp I pray
    Give me oil in my lamp
    Keep me burning
    Keep me burning till the end of day.

    Come on and sing Hosanna. Sing Hosanna
    Sing Hosanna, to the King of Kings
    Sing Hosanna, Sing Hosanna
    Sing Hosanna to the King

    Give me oil in my lamp keep me praising :

  • Every Person is a Gift of God

    Every person is a Gift of God
    A wonderful marvelous gift

    I am a gift (2) you are a gift (2)
    Every person is a gift
    A very special gift (2)
    unique in all the world (2)
    Every person is a gift

    I have a gift (2) You have a gift (2)
    Every person has a gift
    A special gift to share (2)
    with everyone we meet (2)
    Every person has a gift

    Cho : I am a wonderful gift (2)
    You are a marvelous gift (2)
    We are all wonderful gifts.

  • You Shall Go Out With Joy

    You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace,
    The mountains and the hills will break forth before you.
    There'll be shouts of joy and all the trees of the field Will clap,
    will clap their hands.
    And all the trees of the field will clap their hands (3)
    While you go out with joy !
    And all the birds of the sky will chirp and sing (3)
    And all the angels of heav'n will flap their wings (3)

  • This is The Day

    This is the day (2) that the Lord has made (2)
    We will rejoice (2) and be glad in it (2)
    This is the day that the Lord has made
    We will rejoice and be glad in it
    This is the day (2) that the Lord has made (2)

  • ऐ मालिक तेरे बन्दे हम

    ऐ मालिक तेरे बन्दे हम, ऐसे हों हमारे करम,
    नेकी पर चलें, और बरी से टलें,
    ताकि हँसते हुए निकले दम।।

    ऐ मालिक तेरे बन्दे हम।
    ये अन्धेरा घना छा रहा, तेरा इन्सान घबरा रहा,
    हो रहा बेखबर, कुछ न आता नजर
    सुख का सूरज छिपा जा रहा
    है तेरी रोशनी में जो दम
    तू अमावस को कर दे पूनम। नेकी पर ..............

    बड़ा कमजोर है आदमी, अभी लाखों हैं इसमें कमी,
    पर तू जो खड़ा, है दयालु बड़ा,
    तेरी कृपा से धरती थमी,
    दिया तूने हमें जब जनम,
    तू ही झेलेगा हम सब के गम।।
    नेकी पर ...................

  • इतनी शक्ति हमें देना दाता

    इतनी शक्ति हमें देना दाता
    मन का विश्वास कमजोर हो ना।
    हम चलें नेक रस्ते पे हमसे,

    भूलकर भी कोई भूल हो ना।
    दूर अज्ञान के हो अँधेरे,
    तू हमें ज्ञान की रोशनी दे।
    हर बुराई से बचते रहें हम,
    जितनी भी दे भली जिन्दगी दे।
    बैर हो ना किसी का किसी से,
    भावना मन में बदले की हो ना।। हम चलें ............

    हम ना सोचें हमें क्या मिला है,
    हम ये सोचें किया क्या है अर्पण।
    फूल खुशियाँ के बाँटे सभी को,
    सबका जीवन ही बन जाए मधुबन,
    अपनी करूणा का जल तू बहा के
    करदे पावन हर एक मन का कोना।। हम चलें .............

  • प्यासा हिरन जैसे

    प्यासा हिरन जैसे, ढूँढे़ है जल को,
    ऐसे प्रभु मैं तुझे खोज– रहा।
    तू ही मेरे मन की अभिलाषा, तेरी पूजा निशदिन करता रहूँ मैं...........
    सोना चाँदी मैं तो ना माँगू, मन तेरे प्रेम से, भरता रहूँ मैं....
    तू जो बन जाए श्रद्वा सुमन, पुष्प–पराग सा झरता रहूँ मैं......
    तू जो मेरे दिल में वास करे, पाप से नित–नित, डरता रहूँ मैं ..........

  • तू दिल में है प्रभु मधुर

    तू दिल मैं है प्रभु मधुर, मागूँ यही दुआ।
    भक्ति भरे हृदय से मैं, पूजूँ तुझे सदा
    पापों से तूने मुक्ति दिलाई, आया मेरे घर मेहमान बन।
    पापी हूँ फिर भी, भक्ति निभाई, देखा ना तुझसा दूजा सज्जन।
    जब से तू आया सन्तोष पाया, दिल तो खुशियों से भरपूर है।
    दर्शन मैं तेरा करता हूँ मन से तेरा, प्रभू मुझमें तो नूर है।
    तू मेरी रक्षा करता हमेशा, तेरे उपहारों की गिनती नहीं।
    मिल जाए मुझको तेरा सहारा, जाऊँ न करने विनती कहीं।

  • तुम्हीं हो माता, पिता तुम्हीं हो

    तुम्हीं हो माता, पिता तुम्हीं हो
    तुम्ही हो बन्धु, सखा तुम्हीं हो
    तुम्ही हो साथी, तुम्ही सहारे,
    कोई न अपना, सिवा तुम्हारे।
    तुम्हीं हो नैया, तुम्हीं खिवैया,
    तुम्ही हो बन्धु, सखा तुम्ही हो।।
    जो खिल सके ना, वो फूल हम हैं।
    तुम्हारे चरणों की धूल हम हैं।
    दया की दृष्टि सदा ही रखना,
    तुम्ही हो बन्धु, सखा तुम्हीं हो।।

  • तेरी है ज़मी

    तेरी है ज़मी, तेरा आसमां,
    तू बड़ा मेहरबान तू बख्शीष कर,
    सभी का है तू, सभी तेरे,
    खुदा मेरे तू बख्शीष कर।

    तेरी मर्जी से ऐ मालिक,
    हम इस दुनिया मे आये हैं,
    तेरी रहमत से हम सबने,
    ये जिस्म और जान पायें हैं।
    तू अपनी नज़र हम पर रखना,
    किस हाल में हैं ये खबर रखना।

    तू चाहे तो हमें रखे,
    तू चाहे तो हमें मारे,
    तेरे आगे झुकाकर सर,
    खड़े हैं आज हम सारे,
    ओ सबसे बड़ी ताकत वाले,
    तू चाहे तो हर आफत टाले।

  • इक तू ही भरोसा

    आ जाओ कि सब मिलके, रब से दुआ माँगें
    जीवन में सुकूँ चाहें, चाहत में वफ़ा माँगें,
    हालात बदलने में, अब देर न हो मालिक,
    जो देख चुके फिर ये अंधेर न हो मलिक।
    इक तू ही भरोसा, इक तू ही सहारा,
    इस तेरे जहाँ में नही कोई हमारा।
    ईश्वर या अल्लाह ये पुकार सुन ले,
    ईश्वर या अल्लाह ऐ दाता –2

    हम से न देखा जाये, बर्बादियो का समां,
    उजड़ी हुई बस्ती में, ये तड़प रहे इन्सान–2
    नन्हें जिस्मों के टुकडे़, लिये खडी एक माँ,
    बारुद के धुए में, तू ही बोल जायें कहाँ?
    नादान हैं हम तो मालिक, यूँ दी हमे ये सज़ा?
    क्या है सभी के दिल में, नफरत का ज़हर भरा?
    इन्हीं फिर से याद दिला दें, सबक वही प्यार का,
    बन जाये गुलशन फिर से, काँटों भरी दुनिया।


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